Café Bardin

Freedom… not one to “play the race” card, I detest when others use their melanin as a reason why something is or is not, lack of preferential treatment or the ever famous “it’s hard enough being black in this world.” My disgust is not due to the manner of which these phrases are used nor the frequency, but rather for the realization that all those mentioned before is not only true but the way of life for many if not all of us who share the beautiful gift of a darker shade of skin complexion.  The origins of my being stem from centuries of being enslaved, whether that be by shackles, governments programs, or just the mind set of being, slavery and the lack of freedom is and will always be a part of what I am. Hence why struggle with what I perceived today as freedom.

I sit from a balcony overlooking the sky painted with a hue of light blue, the horizon, a somehow perfectly drawn straight line separates the light blue from the darker shade of the Mediterranean only to lighten into a beautiful turquoise as the coast gets near, the natural sound of the sea crashes into the shore creating a beautiful tone often captured and resold to ease anxiety, stress or render as an aid for sleep, and yet I am wondering is this what freedom is? 

Free from the treadmill of eight-hour days, thirty-minute lunches, hard deadlines, soft deadlines, meetings, meetings, did I mention meetings? Free from monthly deposits to the great American program called debt, free from car payments, loans, mortgages.  Yet, I will never truly be free. Shit, I’m a black man in a world where I’m seen as either a threat or not wanted.  Subsequently, I will probably never be free from the wondering of thoughts of others, wondering if I’m accepted here, there or anywhere.  Thus, rather than being engulfed by the thoughts of my reality, I will allow myself to escape into my created freedom… for whatever that is worth, and thus here is a little of my freedom.

While walking through downtown Alicante, Spain I happen to stumble upon chic family own café called “Café Bardin.” A bit early from the opening of the restaurant I wanted to attend for lunch so I decided to stop by for some coffee and to kill time. 

I’m not sure why, but I am always drawn to wine, fruit and a basket.

I was hoping to capture the uniqueness of this café. As you can tell it’s a bit more than just a coffee shop.  I was particularly smitten by these two mini barrels and the wine glass is a nice elegant touch.

Because this café was a slight stop on my way to lunch, I opted for discipline and passed on the sweets. Rest assure though, a second trip will be planned in the very near future.

Hoping to catch a reflection of the light in the back ground, but I also wanted to capture the pure beauty of what is a place of tranquility.

These lights reminded me of something you would see on an old vessel, they are actually a very light, rustic green.

There are many pleasures for the eyes as well as your taste buds within this lovely café but for my entirety there, I was fixated on these mirrors accented with a lovely hue of light. I’m not sure where they purchased these, but they simply bring everything together. 

Truly enjoyed my short stent at this lovely café.  If you ever decide to visit Alicante, Spain ensure you fancy yourself to Café Bardin you will not regret it.



